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v0.8 Saphan Hin ​

Saphan Hin

Photo by Maria Goroshko

Why Saphan Hin?

Saphan Hin is a seaside park in the Phuket Town where almost the whole 0.8 release was written. It is a great place to relax and enjoy the sea breeze 🌊

It is a quite big release with a lot of new features and improvements. The most important changes are:

Furthermore, it includes a couple of minor breaking changes, so please read the migration guide carefully.

Migration guide ​

Do not use refetch in @farfetched/solid ​

refetch was deprecated in v0.7, use start instead.

import { createQueryResource } from '@farfetched/solid';

function User() {
  const [
  ] = createQueryResource(userQuery);

  return (
      <button onClick={refetch}>Start query</button>

Do not use externalCache adapter ​

externalCache adapter is deprecated, write your own adapter instead by recipe.

Full changelog ​

0.8.13 ​


Patch Changes

  • 55baa71: Add OPTIONS method to allowed HttpMethod

0.8.12 ​


Patch Changes

  • 4a1f222: Simplify keepFresh typings
  • 461fbc8: Fix incorrect typings of triggers in keepFresh

0.8.11 ​


Patch Changes

  • 528416b: Export missed types for custom cache adapters

0.8.10 ​


Patch Changes

  • 33b32c8: Fix sync batching in keepFresh

0.8.9 ​


Patch Changes

  • 8c61933: Fix refreshing after enabling Query with different sources

0.8.8 ​


Patch Changes

  • 6cbe074: Fix re-run old refreshes after enabling and disabling Query

0.8.7 ​


Patch Changes

  • d393e78: Fix extra refresh in keepFresh while source is changing for disabled Query

0.8.6 ​


Patch Changes

  • d432e00: Expose missed createCacheAdapter

0.8.5 ​


Patch Changes

  • fa0727a: Allow using Query with initialData in keepFresh

0.8.4 ​


Patch Changes

  • 8bf8b77: Allow to use booleans in FetchApiRecord

0.8.3 ​


Patch Changes

  • 9a02a31: Support ErrorBoundary in SolidJS 1.5

0.8.2 ​


Patch Changes

  • f627cf4: Fix sharing cache between attach-ed Queries

0.8.1 ​


Patch Changes

  • c1ceb16: Fix extra setup calls of @@trigger in keepFresh
  • 4c7f25f: Do not flood keys with same value in meta in sessionStorageCache and localStorageCache
  • 0ca10d3: Do not skip .refresh for disabled Query, instead postpone it until enabling
  • 0822244: Do not skip Query execution with .refresh with different params

Patch Changes

  • cdb7c15: Add a path from original zod error to final messsages

0.8.0 ​


Minor Changes

  • f04aa0d: Allow to pass any string as query in createJson*
  • 386752e: Expose original error in NetworkError as well
  • 24cb348: Add new Event for the Query — .refresh
  • f6ce0bf: Fix types of connectQuery in case of target Query<void, ...>
  • e298d2f: Add new low-level function — combineSourced
  • 573ad52: Add .$idle Store that shows if fetching has started or not in Remote Operations
  • 24cb348: Add new operator — keepFresh
  • 19e9626: Mark externalCache as deprecated

Patch Changes

  • 2f6fa1c: Export fetchFx to allow low-level mocks
  • 8b76a37: Fix .$stale in initial state, now it is true
  • 25c051f: Fix error type of Mutations and Queries create by createJson* factories
  • 90be139: Add utility types for Remote Operations to public API
  • c9766d0: Fix type inference of attachOperation

Minor Changes

  • 065cede: Delete refetch from createQueryResource

Minor Changes

  • ae63ba9: Add integration for typed-contracts

Released under the MIT License.